home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- use strict;
- # This is foomatic-ppd-options, a program which will print out the
- # options specified by a PPD file.
- #
- # foomatic-ppd-options [file*]
- # reads one or more PPD files from the specified file or
- # standard input. If present, PPD information is separated by
- # lines starting with Printer: . This makes it compatible with
- # the LPRng 'lpc ppd' command:
- # lpc ppd | foomatic-ppd-options
- use Foomatic::Defaults;
- use Foomatic::DB;
- use Data::Dumper;
- use FileHandle;
- $0 =~ m!/([^/]+)\s*$!;
- my $progname = ($1 || $0);
- sub help {
- print STDERR <<EOF;
- $progname [-d=debuglevel][files]
- reads one or more PPD files from the specified file or
- standard input. If present, PPD information is separated by
- lines starting with Printer: . This makes it compatible with
- the LPRng 'lpc ppd' command:
- lpc ppd | foomatic-ppd-options
- -h - printes help message
- -d debuglevel - sets debugging level (0 is 0ff)
- exit 1;
- }
- # Read out the program name with which we were called, but discard the path
- my $debug = 0;
- # We use the library Getopt::Long here, so that we can have more than
- # one "-o" option on one command line.
- my( $opt_h, $opt_d );
- use Getopt::Long;
- Getopt::Long::Configure("no_ignore_case");
- GetOptions(
- "d=i" => \$opt_d, # Help!
- "h" => \$opt_h, # Help!
- "help"=> \$opt_h) || help();
- help() if $opt_h;
- $debug = $opt_d if $opt_d;
- sub getppdinfo( $ $ );
- if( @ARGV ){
- while( @ARGV ){
- my $file = shift @ARGV;
- print STDERR "file $file\n" if $debug;
- my $fd = new FileHandle "<$file";
- if( not $fd ){
- die( "$progname: cannot open '$file' - $!\n" );
- next;
- }
- getppdinfo($fd, $file);
- close($fd);
- }
- } else {
- getppdinfo( \*STDIN, "STDIN" );
- }
- exit 0;
- my $key;
- sub order_by_key{$a->{$key} cmp $b->{$key}};
- sub getppdinfo( $ $ ){
- my( $fd, $name ) = @_;
- my @ppd = <$fd>;
- close( $fd );
- print "PPD $name= " . Dumper(\@ppd) if $debug > 1;
- my ($printer);
- $printer = shift @ppd if $ppd[0] =~ /^Printer:/;
- print "$printer\n" if $printer;
- my $ppd = ppdfromvartoperl( \@ppd );
- if( not defined $ppd ){
- die "$progname: bad ppdfile $name\n";
- }
- print STDERR "PPD DB " . Dumper( $ppd ) if $debug;
- my $makemodel = ($ppd->{'makemodel'} or "");
- print "makemodel = $makemodel\n";
- my $args = $ppd->{'args'};
- print STDERR "PPD ARGS " . Dumper( $args ) if $debug;
- for my $argname ( @{$args} ) {
- my $name = $argname->{'name'};
- my $language = "postscript";
- if( $name =~ /^JCL(.*)$/ ){
- $argname->{'name'} = $1;
- $language = "pjl";
- }
- $argname->{'language'} = $language;
- }
- $key = 'name';
- for my $argname ( sort order_by_key @{$args} ) {
- my $name = $argname->{'name'};
- my $comment = ($argname->{'comment'} or "");
- my $type = ($argname->{'type'} or "");
- my $vals = ($argname->{'vals'} or []);
- my $default = ($argname->{'default'} or "");
- my $language = ($argname->{'language'} or "postscript");
- print STDERR "PPD ARG " . $name . "\n" if $debug;
- print STDERR "PPD VALUES " . Dumper( $vals ) . "\n" if $debug;
- my $values = "name=$name";
- $values .= "($comment)" if( $comment );
- $values .= ";";
- $values .= " language=$language;";
- $values .= " type=$type;" if( $type );
- $values .= " default=$default;" if( $default );
- $values .= " options=";
- if( not @{$vals} ){
- if( $type eq "bool" ){
- $values .= "True (True), False (False)";
- }
- } else {
- $key = 'value';
- for my $v ( sort order_by_key @{$vals} ){
- my $value = $v->{'value'};
- my $comment = ($v->{'comment'} or "");
- my $driverval = ($v->{'driverval'} or "");
- $driverval =~ s/[\s\n]+/ /gm;
- $driverval =~ s/^ //gm;
- $driverval =~ s/ $//gm;
- $driverval =~ s/[\W]/\\$&/gm;
- $driverval =~ s/\\ / /gm;
- $comment =~ s/[\W]/\\$&/g;
- $comment =~ s/\\ / /gm;
- $values .= "$value";
- $values .= " ($comment)" if( $comment );
- $values .= " [$driverval]" if( $driverval );
- $values .= ", ";
- }
- $values =~ s/, $/;/;
- }
- print $values . "\n";
- }
- }